Saturday 21 May 2011

justin bieber vanity fair photos

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 24, 01:00 PM (

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  • Phil A.
    Apr 11, 06:34 AM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?

    As others have said, they are far from rare outside of the USA. Personally, I've driven several automatic cars (both over here in the UK and in the USA) and much prefer a manual gearbox: I like the better control and flexibility to change up when I want to rather than when the car thinks I should.
    With a manual box, you don't have to think about "sport mode" or "economy mode" settings for gear changes: you just do it when you want to :)
    The only time I think an auto works is on a diesel car / truck: Diesel engines have such a poor power range that with a manual you find yourself constantly changing gear just to keep the thing moving (I personally hate diesel cars with a passion but that's a different debate ;) )

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  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 22, 06:14 AM
    The NASCAR and F1 cars are not consumer, road-driven vehicles. This is like comparing a Mac Pro to the giant supercomputers that run NASA. Keep in mind, there are varying degrees of professionality (I may have made that word up).

    I think one could make the same comaprison with the M3 and the M3 GT2. The former is a high-ish end consumer product, much like the MBP and the latter is a professional product for three times the money.

    The NASA supercomputer/F1 comparison is too extreme.

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  • treichert
    Apr 13, 04:05 AM
    I read about the new iCal before updating, and actually saved the old iCal from DP1 and copied it over after updating to DP2. It worked just fine, though it's interesting to note that the 'ugly' DP2 version was much smaller in size than the original DP1 version. DP1 iCal was over 40mb, while the new & ugly iCal was only around 13mb.

    Oh well, I still happily sacrificed the extra space for a more usable interface.

    How exactly was it more usable?

    The only thing that changed is the color, the layout is exactly the same.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:26 PM
    Which is not even out yet. Brazos/Zacate and Ontario are the ones I'm referring. Let me edit that out.

    Brazos is the platform. Zacate/Ontario are the chips. Bobcat is the core.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 04:07 PM
    The repression in Libya is on a different scale entirely to those other countries. None of those others is using tanks and aircraft to attack their dissidents.

    Indeed, puzzling: I was putting it down to callowness, too.

    I now believe it to be regression.

    If depleted uranium was used in the warhead, the object (tank?) could have exploded from the inside out. That's gotta hurt, but at least it's quick. :rolleyes:

    Oh, I chose to not have children, so I have no dog in this fight.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 2, 07:36 PM
    this commercial makes ipad seemed like it's only for kids.

    A lot of kids you know looking at CAT scans?

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  • firestarter
    Mar 20, 06:03 PM
    And like I said, they dont have to be worried because homeopathy is not directly harmful to people. Ex-gay therapy is. This is not just an app based on christianity. Exodus International is an organization dedicated specifically to ex-gay therapy.

    Maybe Apple should ban all religious apps.

    In a way, religion is very like homeopathy, since it pretends that something non-existant has the ability to cure/help/heal etc.

    Like homeopathy, religion can encourage one to do nothing of value ('let's pray for Japan', 'let's try to cure cancer with just water') rather than something physical which actually has an effect. It could be construed as being dangerous and damaging in that sense.

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  • steviem
    Mar 18, 07:46 AM
    The only way to impose a no fly zone is to have your fighter jets and bombers in the region. Also they have to destroy/disarm Libya's SAMs and possibly destroy/disable Libyan Air Force air fields.

    Remember several Gulf States are part of this force too, so it isn't 'the West imposing democracy' like before.

    There was nothing about us making up lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just footage and communication from the people of Libya and news organizations showing the devastation Gaddafi is putting upon his own people.

    I see no reason for troops to enter Libya, apart from the UN once the Libyan people overthrow Gaddafi if there is a need for aid. Although I'd much rather see UN over in Japan getting food and supplies to cities affected by the recent Earthquake/tsunami and nuclear reactor scares.

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 23, 10:32 AM
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I thought the Mac mini would be Core 2 Duo by now for sure. I guess they still have quite a backlog of Core Duo units not yet sold. Maybe they're getting killer discounts from Intel on those old slow Core Duo processors.

    Seems like the supply of the faster Clovertowns is probably weak enough for Apple to wait until January at least. My own thought now is that if we have to wait for January, might as well wait a little longer for the Stoakley-Seaburg (SS) chips ( to ship so the first 8-core Mac Pro can be a really killer machine. Then there's also the issue of Leopard shipping about the same time the full on 8-core with SS setup will be really ready in quantity so Apple can keep up with demand.

    So I've set my brain on March '07 now so I won't have another prematurely earger anticipation attack before then. That way if it happens sooner I'll be pleasantly surprised but still may wait for it to ship with Leopard. I will also feel a lot better spending $4k+ on an 8-core with SS inside as well. I'm thinking that may be Apple's plan too. Seems like they would not want to release their first 8-core MP crippled with bottlenecks they know will be opened up in only a few more months. It's also gonna be the most expensive Mac ever sold and I'm sure they want to give their customers their money's worth while at the same time giving their competition headaches. ;) The fact that it is in HD? I suppose so. The concert itself groundbreaking? Well, hopefully that's not what you meant or else you've obviously never seen a show across the pond... :p ;) :cool:Yeah I was referring to the fact that it's in HD and some of the best music concert editing I have ever seen. Just amazing Emmy Award worthy editing.

    The last concert I saw across the pond was a YES concert in Genoa Italy in summer of 1972. :D

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  • Giaguara
    Apr 15, 10:30 AM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....

    Yes, I don't really understand WHY according to ... you ?? apple would be dieing.

    If you want a Mac that costs 500 $, buy a second had iMac / eMac.

    I have NEVER seen a petition that has anything to do with computer or software industry, that I could believe would make _really_ any difference. All the petitions I've seen seem rant - like. If you have an idea, just present it in a more constructive manner, bring / ship it to Cupertino.

    Besides - I find it really weird that you don't have more than 500 $ to spend for a computer ... when you are living in Japan. Quit drinking gallons of milk a day there, and you can get a computer in a week. ;)

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  • takao
    Jan 12, 02:33 PM
    thinking back how many people called the iPod, mac mini and macbook name stupid it's very likely already confirmed

    on the other side it would be much more logical to refer to wimax or other such features

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:05 AM
    People dont want to download the source and compile it

    What makes you think that you have to do that?

    even the best package managers dont really solve the problem, I want to download any application and run it, I dont want to have something check dependancies and then get teh appropriate version ect.

    have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?

    The newest Suse enterprise desktop has a lot of Mac os like features, and claim to have done a lot of research into user interface optomization ect, but thats only Suse, what about the rest, Linux will never have a singular unified front, and that is its achilees heel, and the macs inherant strenght (ok so the mac isnt that unified anymore)

    What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.

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  • sjo
    Nov 29, 03:13 AM
    People forget that MS has dominated pretty much every market they enter. Whether it be PDAs, PC desktops, Office software suites, internet browsers, and gaming (did I miss any other markets?).

    Hmmmm, I'd say only the ones they haven't ended up dominating :rolleyes:

    Like mobile phones, web servers, creativity software, games, game consoles, personal financial software, search, etc.

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  • thirdwaver
    Jun 22, 05:57 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

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  • GKThursday
    Jan 12, 01:00 PM
    Actually I REALLY hopes its both USB and FW. FW will allow me to toss my OS disk in and force my disk driveless Mac to boot from it in FW mode.

    Why not place a FW port where the optical drive is now (i.e. on the right) and then make a super thin optical drive that has a fold out FW plug. No cords to mess with, just fold out and plug in.
    If they wanted, they could even add a small display on top of it that could display a single widget.

    maybe they would even make a PRO and non-PRO version, PRO having multitouch in the display.

    Just thinking out loud. . .

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  • WyoMac
    Mar 22, 05:41 PM
    Geez.... what did they do long ago... have a 400-disc CD changer in their trunk?

    How did they manage?


    Some of us have been on the planet long enough to remember when 8-tracks came to cars that previously only had AM radios. How did we manage? Actually, we got along fined but bringing my own audio along with us just provides more options. Before the iPod, I would typically pick about 15-20 CD's to bring along with me on a road trip. I got along fine, but invariably I would wish that I had made a few different choices, never knowing what mood might strike me. So now I have an 80GB Classic that is about 95% full. Loaded on it are about 11,000 songs, 50-60 podcasts, a couple audiobooks, and maybe a movie or two. Every time the car leaves town, it goes with me. I take it to work every day and plug it into the sound system in my office. I plug it into an old boombox when I am working in the yard or on house projects. I don't need it to surf the web, play games, read email or anything else. It serves my wants perfectly, and though I am not about to claim that I am in the mainstream, I suspect that there are enough of us to keep a device like this profitable for Apple. I've toyed with the idea of selling this one and buying a 160GB but haven't yet. If Apple does choose to make a classic with high capacity, bluetooth, and airplay, I would buy it in a minute.

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  • richard.mac
    Apr 3, 03:19 AM
    That's because the 'control' button acts like a four-finger gesture. Same applies to ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow.

    yeah, but for a keyboard ctrl-up to close is how it logically should be.. and i think Apple agreed. the first time i tried it i instinctively pressed ctrl-up again to close.

    anyone know if recent files in a closed app's dock menu are new? thats an awesome feature, like Windows 7's jump lists, which i really like.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 19, 08:26 PM
    Truth, as ever, is the first casualty of war, and nobody seems to care as long as they can fabricate a good narrative.

    I'm not smart enough to know what the right thing to do is in Libya. But it does make me roll my eyes to hear the CNN anchor talk about how Qaddafi is "thumbing his nose at America".

    The propoganda machine is cranked-up and running. :rolleyes:

    Let's go kill some badguys!

    Apr 10, 09:52 AM
    Yes, although not legally for the next few months:o. Can drive a tractor too!

    Apr 1, 08:43 AM
    The new "year view" shows a heat map of events, ie. the more red it is the busier your day. ;)
    I like that :D

    Apr 1, 08:41 AM
    The new "year view" shows a heat map of events, ie. the more red it is the busier your day. ;)

    Scarlet Fever
    Oct 23, 07:42 AM
    can't wait for the "my C2D MBP isn't much faster than my old CD MBP; Why did you make us wait, Apple?!?!" threads to emerge

    ill just sit here, blissfully working away on my excessivly powerful baseline MacBook... :D

    Apr 21, 11:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Storm in a tea cup!

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