Friday 20 May 2011

the world ends with you ds rom

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  • blow45
    Mar 29, 07:51 PM
    A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

    yeah we should all be glad we 'll be getting that good japanese radiation soon, and that Tokyo which isn't the closest place to the nuclear disaster is 1.1 times the alarm limit in radiation. Leave it, your comment is very, very callous in view of what the Japanese people and humanity in general are facing. Btw, were you making the same comments for Chernobyl? That, sure it's bad, but we are going to learn from it so that's good? Let me tell you something, cause you seem young, we can't afford to learn by nuclear disasters, we should have learned already what we needed to have learned (back in the cold war era), because you don't get many chances with radiation, and even one disaster, is one disaster too many. I am sure people born with severely damaged internal organs, or with dysmorphias and teratogenesis will appreciate your "argument".

    Well, I'm glad to see that Macrumors and Apple are at least able to focus on the big picture: product availability.

    lol, very true, and funny, in a very tragic way of course... while this site is steeped in pc, it's obviously very much lacking in common sensibilities and a sense of shared humanity, if I were (god forbid) one of the thousands of homeless or people being irradiated (I shudder to think btw what pregnant women must be feeling like in Japan...the dread is unfathomable) in Japan, and I came here to read about product availability with not an inkling of the suffering and cost in human life, I would really, really want to slap a few people around after that....

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  • Ruhruh
    Apr 26, 02:59 PM
    Can someone post the updated chart on which OS is making more profit, not only for the company behind the OS, but for developers? :rolleyes:

    As much as I want Android to succeed, being a google fan, the OS along with the app store(s) and apps are not on the same level as iOS.

    As a consumer, I could careless if Android has 99% of the market, I want the best ecosystem.

    Nokia/Symbian dominated the phone market, at least worldwide, they are doing what now? As they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

    Apple has been doing just fine for the last 10 years or so sticking to its devoted followers, they are not going to start releases 10 iPhone versions to compete to save their market share. But I'm going to guess they will continue to pull in the most cash.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 15, 03:43 PM
    Was it an economist or someone who actually understands economics? :D :p

    There are people who actually understand economics?

    mcrain, FYI,
    Which "game"? *Are you "trading and investing" in companies by purchasing shares in IPOs, or are you "trading and investing" on Wall St.? *If it is the latter, then basically you are buying and selling ownership interests in companies, which has almost no affect on underlying companies.from another thread:My particular strategy involves options and a calendar spread, which means I'm taking a long and short position on the same underlying security, which creates a net zero effect. I am primarily focused on making money through the time decay of the options.

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  • -aggie-
    May 5, 04:53 PM
    Oy vey. Me thinks I'm going ta be ill.

    I feel for you, lass.

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  • syklee26
    Sep 15, 06:22 PM
    I ordered my MBP today... the ship date isn't until the 20th? It said 24 hours on the site...

    A clue?


    well that means maybe MBP is getting an upgrade next tuesday.

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 7, 09:27 AM (

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  • -aggie-
    May 4, 09:00 PM
    Can we get an explanation from the gods, since this is the first game in this format?

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  • balamw
    Apr 10, 06:20 PM
    Finally, humour.

    My calculator has been stuck on 58008 ( for years. :p Or maybe it was just saying 07734?


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  • shompa
    Aug 7, 04:26 PM
    Not really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 on the front than the speed. :)

    The G5 is almost as fast per clock cycle.
    Apple COULD have released quad G5 3ghz instead, but they want us to use Intel.

    The whole Intel project is beacuse of no G5 laptop.

    Stupid IBM. I do not like X86, the play plattform.
    But, I have changed all my PPC macs to Intel now.
    Macbook pro, Macbook, macmini and today a Macpro.

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  • kev0476
    Aug 3, 11:04 PM
    they are just cycling through old rumors now... only difference, it is so close to wwdc.

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  • snberk103
    May 5, 10:34 AM
    About as meaningful as the need to figure out one third of 13/16.

    How about a quarter of 3" 13/16? Which I regularly need to do when cutting photo matts? Yes - I would round the 13/16 down to 12/16, no wait that's really 3/4. Except that for my equipment it's better to round up. And rounding it to 14/16 is not really better. And 16/16 introduces too big an error. Now I suggest to photographers they buy European made matt cutters - for the measurement scale.

    Keystroke for keystroke, just the way you did it, except substitute the fraction symbol for the apostrophe and quote symbols you used for feet and inches. I own several calculators, and they'll all do this.

    So you'd enter " 3/ 7 13/16// " Seriously, I'm not trying to be funny here.

    We own a couple of basic calculators, and of course there's Google's search bar calculator. Google is actually pretty good, but I think I would need to decimalize the fraction first....

    Now I am trying to be funny. When I typed "(3ft 7in)/3" into Google to see what happens, I got "(3 ft 7 in) / 3 = 36.4066667 centimeters". Even Google is metric! I tried it with the fractional inch too, but Google wouldn't calculate that. Apparently Google also doesn't like fractions of an inch.

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 02:12 PM
    Hmm... Cinema displays also got a bump.

    20" ACD
    Brightness: 250 cd/m2 -> 300 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

    23" ACD
    Brightness: 270 cd/m2 -> 400 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

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  • applesith
    May 6, 12:39 AM
    This is the biggest load of ************ I have ever seen on this site. Why would Apple redesign everything in their notebooks to make this switch? What is gained by switching?

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  • cube
    May 6, 06:30 AM
    I'm aware of that, but the last time Intel promised ground breaking CPU technology we ended up with the Pentium 4 and Pentium D series.

    No. Their introduction of FinFETs is similar to the edge they had with the high-k metal gate process until not long ago.

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  • charlituna
    Mar 27, 12:39 AM
    I just forked over 750 dollars for an ipad 2 and ipad 3 is coming out? Ouch!!! I already want it.

    I don't really buy that rumor. Apple rarely to never does a six month cycle on anything and shifting the iPad to the fall means no major product to help keep the stock price nice and high.

    Plus an iPad on top of the new pods means more chaos for the retail staff, which I can't see them doing.

    If anything I could see them shifting the iPads to late Jan or early Feb next go around and moving the spring laptops closer to the start of their annual back to school promo

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  • opeter
    May 6, 02:53 AM
    Actually you all forget something: Windows 8 (or whatever it will be) is being made for ARM too ... :)

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  • NAG
    Apr 25, 09:43 AM
    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?

    We really playing this game now?

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  • ovrlrd
    Mar 30, 09:24 PM
    in Lion - in the user's home folder is the library hidden? according to some people on the photoshop forums - Apple has decided to make things simpler for new users. I hope thats not true. Can anyone confirm this?

    Yes it is true. It is hidden by default now. Takes only a second to make it appear again though, so I don't see why it's that big of a deal? Any technical user that needs to see the Library folder will enable it, and anyone who isn't technical enough won't ever need to access it.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 10:02 AM
    MacBook please.C2D MB by Thanksgiving Nov 23 :D

    May 2, 07:55 PM
    According to this article (, the metric system was supposed to be almost fully implemented in the US by 2000, but because of a lack of enough public and government support through the 70s-90s the program essentially got shut down.

    As an engineering student, I hope we will switch soon. The metric system makes so much more sense and is far easier to learn. Even for more common measurements (How many teaspoons/tablespoons in a cup again? Yards in a mile?), SI is a far superior system.

    I think the biggest obstacle right now is the older generations who have grown up with imperial units and don't want to learn a new system. It should at least be taught equally in schools so a future switch won't cause as much resistance.

    Apr 20, 12:38 AM
    Why do we still call it iPhone 5? Everything points to iPhone 4S.

    Probably because it's the 5th iPhone?

    Mar 31, 04:13 AM
    I really hope they deploy some form of full screen iTunes in this build. Would be nice to see.

    Given how iTunes straddles Windows and Mac OS X I wonder what they will be doing given that a fair chunk that iTunes relies on will have to be portable to Windows. From what I understand AV Foundation has pretty much replaced the parts that QTKit doesn't provide which leaves me wondering whether they'll throw in the towel in the case of iTunes/QuickTime in favour of moving to AV Foundation for the long run.

    I lol'd. No matter what people will complain. When Snow Leopard was released people wanted more UI changes and more features. Now when Lion is released all people want is under the hood improvements. SMH

    People are never satisfied or they confuse the terms; when people want more 'under the hood' changes and you ask what they mean by that they'll say something that seems to contradict that very idea. For example, they'll demand a Finder feature but wouldn't that feature be classified as 'visible' rather than 'under the hood'? Oh well, I read through the comments and my emotions go from excitement to rage then to indifference - the clueless commenters will remain clueless and me getting into a tizzy isn't really going to change anything in the long run so instead I sit back, chill out and listen to some music.

    Always been confused as to why the menu bar across the top is slightly transparent but window title bars are grey. Doesn't really match, but I guess I'm just knit-picking...

    Then don't have a transparent menu then (I have it disabled) - I've always seen the whole idea of a transparent menu as something that is pointless and could never quite get my head around as to why it was enabled by default in the first place.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Of course but people keep ignoring that this 'focus' on smart phones isn't something driven by Apple but something that is driven by the media; Microsoft is getting a heap of focus on its Windows Phone 7 but the lack of talk regarding Windows 8 suddenly means that Microsoft has given up on the desktop? RIM has released the PlayBook - with all the marketing buzz around the PlayBook does it suddenly mean that they've stopped caring about the BlackBerry?

    Apple has always been focusing on Mac OS X - the problem is that the lack of communication via some sort of regular videos or blogs in the case of Microsoft does with Channel 9/MSDN has led people to fill in this void with idiotic speculation by claiming that Apple has given up on the desktop. As far as I am aware there has been only one time when Mac OS X shipment was delayed with the rest being released ontime.

    As for people whining about their applications and Mac OS X 10.6 - I read through Macsurfer and it is amazing the number of idiots who complain about problems but never actually spend the time to find out that Adobe has articles explaining for example that in the case of Mac OS X 10.6 you no longer use the PDF printer but instead create PDF's through the drop down menu found in the printer dialogue or that the issue relating to fonts in 10.6.7 has nothing to do with 10.6.7 and everything to do with having to clear ones font cache then rebooting. All these problems that people point to as Apple neglecting is ignorance.

    Oh and spacemanspifff, please, use Google, the solution has already been provided - talking about ancient problems hardly bolsters your case. Yes, a solution posted 12 or so hours ago is ancient - keep up with the play.

    You (and others) are aware that "Developer Previews", when available, have always predated the Beta releases? It's not even a beta.

    Apple says they will release Lion in summer, only Dev Previews have appeared so far, and suddenly people think it plausible for Apple to release a GM build in March?

    And btw, I'm really disappointed in the reporting of the ludicrous "GM" rumour as it's pretty obviously wrong - usually MacRumors curates their news better than this.

    The summer in the US is from June to September so it can be released anywhere from June through to September. I'd say that at the earliest we'll see a GM build (or at least very much a build very-very-very close to GM) appear at June (WWDC will probably be the place where it will be shown off in all its glory) with the shipping probably August thus leaving a month to manufacture and distribute internationally plus any extra training required for staff (although staff training is probably happening right now).

    Dec 11, 04:33 PM
    I have MADE a call by using Voice Control and talk was through the iPhone speakers. I have NOT tried using ipod music and navigon and tried making a call but would suspect that again talk would come out of the iphone and not car speakers. What would be interesting is what happens to Navigon directions and volume of ipod music. I'll check that out and leave another post.

    While using the Navigon with the TomTom car kit listening to music through the aux, when a direction is announced, the music volume decreases into the background until the voice is through and then the music increases back to the original volume. With the TomTom app, the music pauses until the direction is through and then the music starts again.

    Aug 11, 12:33 PM
    Do people really think were going to get Merom macbook pros at paris? I was thinkg we would see it on a tuesday before paris.

    I think Paris would be a logical time to unveil a new product. That being said, this is "just an upgrade", not a new product (it's not like the MacBooks are moving to Intel for the first time), so perhaps they will receive an update on "any given Tuesday" instead, and Paris will be reserved for something new, for instance a new full-screen touchless iPod. ;) :cool:

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