Thursday, 26 May 2011

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  • Markleshark
    Oct 20, 04:59 AM
    You spelled "soon" wrong... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I'm so confused. lol

    Theres your first one ATD. :rolleyes: :D

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  • Buckit
    Jun 19, 10:55 AM
    however, I was angered at the fact that I brought my apple in-ear headphones in to get replaced because they stopped working after day 4 of having them (I didn't damage them) and they said, "we don't care about that right'll have to come back after tomorrow." I understand that they are busy, but A) they sold me a faulty product that I want replaced B) I'm a valuable customer C) It's a huge inconvenience for me to return to Easton to take care of it.

    I understand your pain... but they aren't open to take returns. Remember that they are open early specifically for the iPhone launch. Had they told you the same thing during normal business hours I would understand your anger, but you have to admit that they somewhat did the right thing... Maybe could have handled it a bit different.

    They are there at that time specifically for the iPhone release... dealing with other issues takes away from the entire reason they are even open and delays others from receiving their phone.

    If I were you I would go back this afternoon during normal business hours... if they still refuse then you have every right to be angry.

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  • BLOND37
    Jun 14, 12:20 AM
    as long as you have money...theyll sell it to me

    and even if you last year when i got my iphone, i had/have really bad credit, and was on unemployment, i passed att's credit check.. hell you coulda surprised me!!!

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  • AppleScruff1
    May 7, 02:53 AM
    I thought about the Air, especially considering I'll be buying an SSD to replace the HDD in the MBP, however the 4GB of RAM and the older Core 2 Duo processors kinda scared me away. Now if the MBA has a refresh before we get back in July I'll definitely look into it...

    As was your +1 for the $1199 13" or $1499 13"


    The updated Air may be available around the time you get back home, so that might be an option to consider.

    And thank you for serving. It is appreciated and I wish you a safe trip back home.

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  • MacBytes
    Jul 21, 02:38 PM (

    Category: Apple Hardware
    Link: Apple overtakes Google in media impact, iPhone & iPad helps (
    Description:: Apple stole Google's top spot in Q2 Impact Value rankings on the strength of its groundbreaking product releases, the iPad and iPhone 4, Media measurement technology firm General Sentiment said on Tuesday.

    It's one of the "biggest surprises" that Apple took the top in the Impact Value spot, notes Greg Artzt, chief executive officer of General Sentiment.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

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  • tuqqer
    Dec 11, 04:40 PM
    You won't believe this.

    It was a bad wireless card.

    Using brilliant deductive reasoning I finally thought, "this is either a badly seated Airport card, or just a downright bad card."

    After unplugging/replugging the card in numerous times (disconnecting/connecting the little plug each time), just to be sure it was in fact seated well (which I'd done once before last week), I finally opened up my other Mac laptop (which uses the same identical card) and put it into this new iBook.

    Damn. Lightening fast. I"M UP.

    Just to check, I then plugged in this supposedly broken Airport card into my PowerBook, and sure enough: no signal. The card really is bad.

    Why did the iBook work great while in the Apple Store in Cherry Creek? This is what initially had me think that it could not be a hardware problem. Then I realized: perhaps a Mac can get barely pick up a wireless signal even without the Airport card. Either that, or the card kinda/sorta/sometimes would work. And, I'll bet the signal strength in the Apple store was super strong, and got through even a semi-busted airport card.

    That's the first time a problem has actually been the darn hardware in all my 14 years of Mac'ing. I will never again discount physical matter as the potential source of the glitch.

    Criminy. I think I spend about 30-40 solid hours trying to figure this one out.


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  • irishgrizzly
    Feb 24, 06:21 PM
    TBH,the name reminds me of the "B-Sharps" from the Simpsons "a name that's witty at first, but that seems less funny each time you hear it". Also it doesn't roll off the tongue. I'd keep trying... good luck.

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  • kx22
    Apr 22, 08:16 AM
    Coolbook will help with the heat and fans

    NO it doesnt. Still blazing Air!

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  • dobbin
    Oct 17, 04:32 AM
    This is indeed a well known issue with cubes. Some people were affected immediately, and others only after a period of time like you.

    My cube has a 'seizure' about once every 4 months and it will do this for an hour or two and then correct itself and be fine again.

    There have been numerous causes and solutions suggested and it appears that different things work for different machines.

    The usual cause is the proximity switch - the touch sensitive one on top of the cube. Most people report that the switching on and off is caused by a badly fitting or loose gasket around this switch inside the cube.

    Some people say that making sure this gasket is seated firmly will cure the problem, and others have had this replaced (for free) by Apple.

    I have never found this to be the case with mine, it just seems to have a mind of its own, for short spells every now and again.

    Some people have also reported that this happens on hot days or when the air-con is swithed off. I've not noticed this (as I live in the UK it never gets hot!).

    There have been hundreds of discussions on this topic since the cube was introduced and you can probably find some useful info on the web.

    I'm not sure why Apple have not provided more help on this topic given what a widespread issue it was/is, but I just searched Google for "Apple Cube Switch problem" and it came back with a lot of links. Bear in mind that the solution for one cube may not help yours! I guess this is the price we have to pay for having the coolest computer the world has ever seen :D


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    Dec 28, 03:41 PM
    I mean, yeah, but it's not worth worrying about. Maybe if you reformat 10 times a day...but how many times are you really going to do it...

    You could argue that opening and closing your Macintosh HD could create more wear and tear on the HD than letting it sit.

    On the iMac, you can replace the HD though, so if worst comes to worst, and it's out of warranty, you can just but a new one.

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  • djsound
    Mar 29, 04:04 PM
    Very interesting. Thanks for the info. :) I tried to google it but I had NO idea what to look for..

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  • chunhohuen
    Apr 22, 02:24 AM
    HI everyone, First I want to thanks all the help in here to solve my previous problem:)! It mains a lot to me!;)

    Now, I would like to use the preivous program to build a static library and try to test it.

    When I finish build the library and apply it for test, there are run times error occured:

    1>fortest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall login::find(void)" (?find@login@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function _main

    There are four of them and I know they are the same things.

    I do not know how to fix them....:(

    The code:

    The header file is :

    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>

    class login
    void setuser();

    void write();

    void read();

    void find();

    char inputusername[99];

    The code file is :

    void find()

    ifstream file;"file.txt");

    string input=inputusername;
    string input_line;
    bool found = false;

    while( file >> input_line ) {

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  • Cfly
    Jan 24, 08:46 PM
    i use a microsoft wireless g router

    does the trick

    was really cheap

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  • lavrishevo
    May 5, 10:19 AM
    trim is only supported on SSD's that you buy from apple, and only recently.

    As the other poster said, there haven't been problems with people running 3rd party SSD's w/o trim enabled. In fact some users have reported problems with their drives after enabling trim support.

    If you really feel you must have it, search the boards, there is a tutorial here on how to enable it through some simple command lines.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe SSD's with the Sandforce controller such as the Vertex 3 don't need TRIM as the controller takes care of this function.

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  • macquariumguy
    Sep 14, 07:11 PM
    Back home, we would call that "bait". I think the lump is a hitchhiking snail.

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  • macenforcer
    Apr 2, 10:36 PM
    Okay, so the black may not be permanent... :o

    Yes it is permanent. That post you cite is old. Read this one.

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  • xFU3Lx
    Dec 15, 05:58 PM
    So when you turn the machine upside down (with it facing you as normal) and take the battery our there is not a little door exposed facing you? Are there instructions printed under where the battery is?

    It should look like this with the door open (sorry about the quality, camera phone and max file size here)Absolutely no door. I was like WTF? when I opened it up and saw nothing.:mad:

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 5, 10:14 AM
    I removed my Samsung 470 SSD from an HP laptop that had Win 7 running. Trim was enabled automatically with Win 7. When I put it into my new Macbook Pro trim was not enabled. You can check by going into the Apple, then About, then More Info and finally into Serial ATA. When you scroll down you will see that trim is not enabled.( Without it, the SSD will fill up and slow down. Google it and see what it does). had a Trim Enabler patch that worked perfectly. I downloaded it and clicked on it and it installed. When I went back into the Apple, etc I found that trim had been enabled. Kudos to Oskar. I dropped a couple of bucks on him from Paypal because I appreciate this kind of work. Maybe Apple will have trim enabled in the next OS, like Win7.

    trim is only supported on SSD's that you buy from apple, and only recently.

    As the other poster said, there haven't been problems with people running 3rd party SSD's w/o trim enabled. In fact some users have reported problems with their drives after enabling trim support.

    If you really feel you must have it, search the boards, there is a tutorial here on how to enable it through some simple command lines.

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  • Voidness
    May 2, 12:27 PM
    I call shenanigans. Why sell a cheaper model when people would buy up the more expensive one if the cheaper one wasn't offered.
    Same reason Apple sells both iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4.

    Apr 10, 08:28 PM
    not to sound like a jerk......but Search is your friend........there's many threads about people needing cases or what type of case is good for them.

    Jun 21, 09:11 PM
    I use the US iTunes store but it's not my country, so my international credit card isn't allowed.
    Anyways, I could try ebay too but I don't see many there now.
    Edit: problem solved, thanks for looking anyways!

    Jul 28, 09:52 PM
    hey guys i was just wondering, is bestbuy going to be selling the iphone4 on friday and what do you think the lines are going to be like. Thnx

    Mar 8, 10:25 PM

    Dec 16, 02:58 PM
    In OS X you can literally control just about any aspect of the the operating system via terminal. I would argue that an expert *nix user has more "unrestricted control" over OS X than an expert windows user can have under XP.

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